What Not to Ask Us
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. What's with the lake?
A. Huh?
Q. Is this Lake Placid?
A. Yes.
A. Huh?
Q.Then why does it say Mirror Lake Boat Rental?
Q. What happens if I come back late?
A. We take your first born. Or you pay another hour's fee ( it's up to you)
Q. But I don't have a watch! (addendum to previous question)
A. Start counting......NOW!
A. Several species. Most abundant are the Snarp, Cow-fish and the bottom dweller, Hummerfish (good eating that one).
Q. Are there fish in the lake?
Q. Does my baby / child / teen count as an additional person?
A. According to Dr. Spock, these kinds of questions can severely affect a child's developmental growth and psyche. You are, in fact, questioning their role as a separate entity. Is this really worth saving the $10 additional person fee?
A. Deep. However, more importantly, "How deep is your love"? (our apologies to the brothers Gibb)
Q. How deep is the lake?
Q. Can I hang out on the dock while my friend / child / spouse/ parent/ dog is out on the boat?
A. Of course not.
Q. Where's the alligator?
A. Betty White ate it. If we could only get rid of Bea Arthur in the same manner.